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" My first step of letting go is
what  decides what comes next."

I believe that abstraction is the ultimate door to a very personal visual language. 
Hidden symbols, memories, and unique perspectives are woven beneath the art. It could be about innocence, heritage, nostalgia, nature, a sense of beauty, and even darkness. Every deliberate mark, tension, pressure, or velocity that an artist applies to the canvas with the love of paint, a brush, or any weapon of choice and color combination is a simplified, yet concealed visual language that is coded, composed, and expressed into a work of art.

 Finding and encapsulating the spirit and subtleties of the natural world is what interests me. In my process, I let the freedom of movement take shape—with soft curves, edges, and swiping brushstrokes, drawing inspiration from forms that resemble aquatic, avian, and botanical forms. 


The beauty of nature, birds, and botanical are the muse behind my collection. I grew up in a densely populated, concrete jungle in Java with very little access to fresh air, grass, or open spaces. I love animals, and being outside with my dogs. I constantly long to be around greenery, away from the crowd. Only when I moved to North Carolina was I surrounded by an abundance of nature, which sparks my creativity. All of my abstract paintings are the intuitive outcome of my desire

The first flow of movement occurs intuitively, followed by the layering of different techniques and detail work to achieve textural contrast, dimension, and depth. Imagining a burst of petals that blooms, seeing something as simple as the calming gradient of the colorful sky at sunset, or the surface of water that glimmers in the nighttime makes me wonder about the mystery of the deepest oceans, have all piqued my state of flow. Creating art is a way for me to embrace my individualistic tendencies and penchant for creativity.


At the core, I am more interested in the sensorial and experiential aspects of feelings and processes. It is a collaborative event of constructing my vision and letting go of inhibition in the pursuit of harmony. Following my curiosity, embracing the unknown, and drawing out what's hidden inside into something physical really gratifies me.

Working with acrylics, immediacy is an important factor in the process and it helps to retain a spontaneous quality that I love. I also enjoy dynamic line work, gradation, and a play of light and dark to give each of my works a quiet intensity.

* Part of sales will go towards helping neglected dogs and stray cats in my hometown. it's an issue that resonates deeply in my heart.

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UPH Pelita Harapan University

Visual Communication Design,

BFA, cum laude




Something For Everyone
National Juried Show / 311 Gallery

Raleigh, NC
December 2020


International Exhibition of Contemporary Art

Group Exhibition / Galerie Sonia Monti

Paris, France

December 2020



National Juried Show / 311 Gallery

Raleigh, NC
July 2021

From Women’s Eye
Virtual Exhbition / Kefi Art Gallery

Toronto, CA
March 2021


311 Gallery x Levitate x Novi Lim

Solo Art Showcase

Raleigh, NC

September 2021


Art Comes Alive

International Juried Show

ADC Fine Art Gallery

Cincinnati, OH

November 2021


Novi Lim: Fluidity In Nature

TurningArt x Artsper

Boston, MA

July - September 2022


Soft Touch

Studio E Gallery

Palm Beach, FL

August 6 - August 31 2022

Collaborations :


HelvetArt International Art Competition
- Nominated - Swiss, Switzerland


Creative Allies Illustration Poster Competition "We Are Serenades"
- Winner-
Raleigh, Nc, United States





Blink Art Resource:
The Ultimate Resource Guide to Art
Spring 2022

Featured in SaatchiArt New Voices, 100 Artists Printed Catalog
March 17th, 2021.

Featured in SaatchiArt Spring 2 2021
Printed Catalog,
April 14th, 2021.

Featured in SaatchiArt  Best of Spring 2021
Printed Catalog
May 19th, 2021.

10 American Artists on The Rise
The Artling - Best of Contemporary Art - November 30th, 2020


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